Dear Contestants,
Just wow.
And not the bad wow, but the very, very good wow.
(oh, sidebar, I never wrote about my reactions to last week's bottom three...I was spot on. Spot on. And not sad to see...Karen?...go).
What a great night! Every single person did well...which has literally never happened on a top 11 show. Let's recap:
Okay, so on the one hand, you did well. On the other, I personally am getting kind of (really) tired of the growling. You are a better singer than a growler. Don't lose your singing voice. I think you are turning people off...I just think that because you are turning me if people are like me, they are becoming disenchanted.
This was really good. This showed a voice that I really like. You did a good job, although you did forget the lyrics and let it show with that "whoops I just forgot the lyrics" look on your face. Because of that, you will be lower in my rankings than you would have been otherwise. Everyone was that good last night. I would consider buying your track...but honestly in the end I would just never make it to actually buying it.
It was a nice job. I didn't hate it, which is good for me and you. The judges were all in love with it. I wasn't quite so enamored, but you did a nice job that I am sure will end up being one of your best (if not your best) performances on the show.
This I loved. I love her voice and I love her more modern spin on the sound of the song. I voted a whole lot and I would buy the song.
You tried really hard to keep your eyes open and did much better than you have in past weeks. You did well. You are definitely lacking real feeling for the songs you are singing. It sounded good--but compared to everyone else, not up to snuff.
You sang really well (of course...I said everyone did). I still don't know who you want to be as a singer...but I think you should try to be this. I would consider buying this. I really don't know if you will make it past tonight, though. Fan base is so important and you have confused people beyond being a base for you.
Um, I loved this. This was amazing. The judges were not showing enough excitement for this. It was fantastic. They aren't the country music fans that I am. This was my favorite of the night. Loved it. I would buy this (probably will) and I voted for you.
You are a great singer. Can't really say more than that. You definitely belong in the ranks with Celine and Whitney. I would consider buying this and I voted. One thing, your hand movement is quite distracting. If you follow Jennifer's advice and use the stage, hopefully that will help.
The guitar was a great idea--it kept your dancing at bay. I am sure lots of people like the quirky dancing, and I don't mind it, but it can be..odd. I liked that you made the song your own version. I voted for you.
This seemed like you--like who you are. I appreciate the originality of the whole performance. Without a doubt, it was the weakest vocal performance of the night. I am confused as to who you want to be artistically. You said your earlier performances were who you wanted to be, but when you do this Jamaican thing, it seems so you (not that I actually know you. I am guessing you have been confusing people too much to build a solid base and I am sure you will be bottom three tonight.
Hey that was some smooth dancing! You sang really well--it was a great performance.
Now for Bottom Three predictions:
Naima and Stefano were vocally bottom three. Haley is there purely based on fan base. I vacillate between who I think will go home. On the one hand, I am guessing Haley has fewer fans than any other, but she really sang well last night and might have picked up some floaters. Naima was the weakest vocally. But I also wonder when a boy will go home.
Top Three:
- Scotty
- Jacob
- Pia
- Lauren
- James
See--there were too many good people I had to put basically half of them in the top three.
Thia, Paul, and Casey are the middle of the pack for me last night.

Top 11 Perform