It has been a long time since I have written. Not out of enjoyment over the winner and runner-up last year (Love Scotty and Lauren)..I don't know why, really. I just haven't. Let's not dissect the reasons for my actions.
Let's talk some impressions from this seasons.
First of all, what is up with Steven Tyler? He is pulling a Paula Abdul and suddenly going from "You look nice and sounded great" comments 100% of the time to talking about intervals and calling out the one person he thinks deserves to go home. This is very refreshing to me! I can hear. I know if a contestant was off-key. They can hear. They will know it, too. Perhaps that is argument for just telling them good job, but I think it is more of an argument for being honest. Otherwise, why even have judges.
The top 24 week was the worst judging week ever. Everyone was "Great" according to the judges. It wasn't true! It was so frustrating. You can be nice AND be honest at the same time. Take notes from the judges from the Sing-Off. They manage to be polite while still giving honest feedback. I am just glad Randy dared tell a person or two it was less than stellar and Steven actually had the guts to give an honest answer this week.
Now, whose idea was it to have a bottom 6 this week?!?!?!?! You are putting half of your singers in the bottom? Why? I hope there is some good reason for this. Maybe to wake up complacent voters? You could have at least cut it down to a bottom four instead.
What is her name again...let's see...oh yes, Jessica (I should be able to remember that--that is my sister's name). Okay Jimmy--best Idol performace ever? Really? I don't think so.
I do not see the hype with this girl. I see that she is a good singer, but what about her singing sets her apart from a handful of singers already out there who are at least as good if not better? What new does she bring?
Colton is my favorite guy this year.
Elise is my favorite girl. I think she is the most unique.
Skylar is also quite good and I could see her winning.
Jermaine should have come back all nice and humble. Grateful. Instead, he is cocky and seems entitled to me. He obviously thinks he should be there. Here is the major problem with that. American Idol winners are not cocky. They are nice. They are humble. They recognize that other singers are good, too. If he really wants any chance of winning, he needs to get over himself. Or, if I am wrong in my assessment, he needs to figure out how to change the appearance of being full of himself.