Dear iTunes,
I am irritated with you in enough ways right now that I really must write you a letter. First, I have to say that I think you overprice stuff. I noticed the other day that you have some songs for 1.49 per song. This is getting to be a bit much. .99 used to be good enough for you. I don't know if you are getting greedy or what, but 1.49...that is almost twice what one song used to cost. Did you know you can buy songs off Amazon quite easily at the Amazon MP3
store? And did you know that Amazon will automatically put songs you buy into iTunes for you? And in most cases, Amazon is cheaper.
Of course, Amazon doesn't get the exclusive tracks like you do for things like American Idol. And thus I am forced to turn to you at times.
Yesterday I tried to purchase Alex Lambert's tracks. You had taken them down! I don't know if this is your doing or American Idol's doing, but I was frustrated. Frustrated enough to write you this letter and complain about it--along with a couple other gripes I have had. If you have any say, I say put them back up. I guess I should have purchased the tracks right away.
Sigh. At least we have YouTube videos.
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