Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top 11 (Take Two)

Last night was take two of the top 11 performing.

First, I think it is a little odd they way they showcased Casey's save from last week. I don't remember them ever doing that in the past--it makes me wonder if they want Casey to go far in the competition.

But away from the weirdness and on to a different form of weirdness--Elton John! I love Elton John. Elton John has been a part of my music tastes since I was literally a baby. My parents love Elton, and therefore I do. I have been to a concert of his (most entertaining) and in my iTunes I have 9 Elton John albums. So now you know I like his music.

Scotty! Very good! It definitely sounded like a Scotty song and not an Elton John (Country Comfort is a great song, by the way, and performed well by Keith Urban). I loved the nice low note at the end of the song. Excellent move. There really is no need to judge you--it is just like hearing a country singer singing on TV. Nice job. I voted (a lot)!

Niama...oh Niama. I like the Raegae vibe for you. Good call on that. I'm Still Standing isn't necessarily a bad song to do it to--I don't think that was the issue. The issue is that it all seemed so fake and insincere. It was off-pitch at times. You talking in a fake accent was a huge turn-off. We all know you don't have a Jamaican accent--don't fake it.

Paul, it was too whispery at the beginning. Rocket man isn't a whisper song. But good overall and I voted.

Pia--great song choice! Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me is one of my favorites also. You had great attitude. I voted, and I would buy it. And hey, Celine sings mostly ballads, also, so if that is who you are, do it. I voted.

Stefano, I was sitting there listening to you sing and thought, "He just doesn't have real emotion or intensity." Then it hit me that I have complained about that each week with you. It is so emotionless that I forgot in one week that it is emotionless. It was not a good song choice. Tiny Dancer needs real emotional connection to be good.

I loved it Lauren. I will buy this--no doubt. Candle in the Wind is  a great song, and I absolutely loved your interpretation. I voted.

Okay James. Performance-wise, putting-on-a-show-wise, it was entertaining. Vocally...not good. Weak even. Saturday Night's Alright for Fightin' had potential for your. I don't know if it was the theatrics on stage and it distracted you or if this is just an Elton Song...but I think you will be fine.

Thia, I think this is the first week I could say you sounded pretty weak. Daniel is one of my all-time favorites, and it sounded like you were singing it in some high school talent show. (by the way, does anyone remember Wilson Phillips cover of this song? Or Wilson Phillips for that matter?)

Casey, you looked humbled. At times, you sounded a bit scared and humbled. It was very nice, though. It was nicely balanced with some growling but not a whole lot. I love Your Song. Great choice.

Oh Jacob. This was over-the-top dramatic for me. Seriously. I was literally squirmming in my seat. Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word is a song to be emotional about...but man. That was too much for me.

Haley, I didn't expect to like it, but I liked it! I have always loved Benny and the Jets. I am a bit reserved about you because I don't trust who you are as a singer, but you might convince me if you stay consistent.

My Top Three

  1. Lauren
  2. Pia
  3. Scotty
My Middle Pack (in this order)
  1. Casey
  2. Haley
  3. Paul
  4. James
My Bottom Four
  1. Naima
  2. Stefano
  3. Jacob
  4. Thia
My Predictions
I think Naima is gone for sure. Then I think it is a toss-up between Thia and Stefano.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top 11 Elimination Show

Warning--possible spoilers ahead. If you haven't watched the results show yet and want surprise, stop reading.

Last week, the results show was so predictable and so spot on with my predictions so I never even felt compelled to write about it.

Well, this week I was only one for three in the bottom three.

Our bottom three was: Thia, Stefano, and Casey.


Okay, so Stefano was in my bottom three. Casey and Thia were in my middle pack. I was pretty surprised that Haley and Naima were not in the bottom three, but obviously Stefano is going home, right?

Wrong. First Thia goes to safety, then we find out Casey is out. A pretty big shocker from one of the season's early front runners.

Then the judges use their save on him! So we still have a top 11, all 11 will go on tour, and Casey gets another shot.

Here is the bad news. In my memory, no winner of American Idol has ever been in the bottom three, much less saved from elimination. I think that pretty easily knocks Casey out of the running for the winner's spot--but you never know. He might jump back to his "Georgia On My Mind" ways and pull people back to his side. 

Overall I am quite surprised right now. Hence my blogging about it the same night I watched the show.


Top 11 Perform

Dear Contestants,


Just wow.

And not the bad wow, but the very, very good wow.

(oh, sidebar, I never wrote about my reactions to last week's bottom three...I was spot on. Spot on. And not sad to see...Karen?...go).

What a great night! Every single person did well...which has literally never happened on a top 11 show. Let's recap:


Okay, so on the one hand, you did well. On the other, I personally am getting kind of (really) tired of the growling. You are a better singer than a growler. Don't lose your singing voice. I think you are turning people off...I just think that because you are turning me if people are like me, they are becoming disenchanted.


This was really good. This showed a voice that I really like. You did a good job, although you did forget the lyrics and let it show with that "whoops I just forgot the lyrics" look on your face. Because of that, you will be lower in my rankings than you would have been otherwise. Everyone was that good last night. I would consider buying your track...but honestly in the end I would just never make it to actually buying it.

It was a nice job. I didn't hate it, which is good for me and you. The judges were all in love with it. I wasn't quite so enamored, but you did a nice job that I am sure will end up being one of your best (if not your best) performances on the show.

This I loved. I love her voice and I love her more modern spin on the sound of the song. I voted a whole lot and I would buy the song.

You tried really hard to keep your eyes open and did much better than you have in past weeks. You did well. You are definitely lacking real feeling for the songs you are singing. It sounded good--but compared to everyone else, not up to snuff.

You sang really well (of course...I said everyone did). I still don't know who you want to be as a singer...but I think you should try to be this. I would consider buying this. I really don't know if you will make it past tonight, though. Fan base is so important and you have confused people beyond being a base for you.

Um, I loved this. This was amazing. The judges were not showing enough excitement for this. It was fantastic. They aren't the country music fans that I am. This was my favorite of the night. Loved it. I would buy this (probably will) and I voted for you.

You are a great singer. Can't really say more than that. You definitely belong in the ranks with Celine and Whitney. I would consider buying this and I voted. One thing, your hand movement is quite distracting. If you follow Jennifer's advice and use the stage, hopefully that will help.

The guitar was a great idea--it kept your dancing at bay. I am sure lots of people like the quirky dancing, and I don't mind it, but it can be..odd. I liked that you made the song your own version. I voted for you.

This seemed like you--like who  you are. I appreciate the originality of the whole performance. Without a doubt, it was the weakest vocal performance of the night. I am confused as to who you want to be artistically. You said  your earlier performances were who you wanted to be, but when you do this Jamaican thing, it seems so you (not that I actually know you. I am guessing you have been confusing people too much to build a solid base and I am sure you will be bottom three tonight.

Hey that was some smooth dancing! You sang really well--it was a great performance.

Now for Bottom Three predictions:

  • Naima
  • Haley
  • Stefano
Naima and Stefano were vocally bottom three. Haley is there purely based on fan base. I vacillate between who I think will go home. On the one hand, I am guessing Haley has fewer fans than any other, but she really sang well last night and might have picked up some floaters. Naima was the weakest vocally. But I also wonder when a boy will go home.

Top Three:
  • Scotty
  • Jacob
  • Pia
  • Lauren
  • James
See--there were too many good people I had to put basically half of them in the top three.

Thia, Paul, and Casey are the middle of the pack for me last night. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best of Top 12

Dear Readers,

Here are the best of the night.





Top 12 Perform--Surprising

Dear Top 12,

I was kind of surprised last night. I expected the night to be a hard call, but it was a very, very easy call.

The vocals were really suffering. I was glad Jennifer finally said something about the pitch issues--you really are better than that (I think). It was not a good night for you.

You were weak in parts and good in parts. Considering that you were sick, it was great. I am sure you would have done a lot better if you were not sick, and I like that you didn't excuse yourself for being sick.

Oh the song choice! It was not a good idea. Not at all. You sang it well, but it was nothing memorable other than feeling a bit odd watching a Disney song be sung on American Idol.

It was pitchy, but it was the best of the night to that point--though definitely not of the night.

Okay, I think I have decided that you are a copy-cat singer. The good thing about that is that you are a good singer vocally and that you can sing anything. The really, really bad thing about that is that no one wants to vote for the copy-cat singer. No one knows what kind of album they would get from you if they did, and even if we knew exactly what it would be, we don't need you because we can get those same songs from the original. You need to pick the genre you want to sing in and stick with it--and if you don't know, you will be going home pretty soon.

This is definitely the best you have sounded on the show so far. There were no major pitch issues going on. This isn't to say you rocked it, just that you topped yourself.

No lie, when you started to sing, it was a shock to my ears. In a good way. It was hearing someone who really had a place in the music industry for the first time that night--a singer who could hold her own in the "real world." I didn't love the song--at all--but I loved you singing the song.

Another great performance of the night! Really good. The girls loved it, which is always a good thing for votes. I would buy that off of iTunes.

Very weak. Very pitchy. You have a good voice, but when you put it up next to Pia, very weak.

It was good. I loved what Randy said, that you are a person who goes for "art first, then commerce." I love that about you. I don't love that song, but you are a great performer. I would love to see you sing something that showed your vocal ability next week and not just your diversity.

Very good. I would buy that. It was amazing for the flu, too. I would buy the flu version.

There were some pitch issues. It wasn't the worst of the night, but not the best.

Naming my top 3 and bottom 3 is easy this week:

Top Three:

  1. Scotty
  2. Lauren
  3. Pia (I put you third just because I thought the other two did great AND I liked their songs. You did great and I disliked your song--but talent-wise, this top three can be in any order
Bottom Three:
  1. Karen
  2. Naima
  3. Haley
The Rest (from best to worst)--this is definitely slanted by my personal preference for the person him/herself. They all did about the same talent wise, so song choice and my preference is all factored in:
  1. Casey
  2. Paul
  3. Stefano
  4. Thia
  5. James
  6. Jacob
I predict Karen goes home. I do think there is a chance her Spanish singing could have pulled in votes from the Latino community, and if so, then I think Haley will go home due to a dwindling fan base.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Year of the Young

Dear Contestants,

It is funny how the tides shift year to year. I remember the year they made the age limit higher--so older people could audition. After that, it seemed the top 12 was heavily filled with people in their late 20s. I even remember Simon commenting that the older people basically had much more emotion in their singing than the  younger people.

In those years, we had some young singers in the top 12. The comments always seemed to focus around how good they were for their age. Yes, they were great singers, but their singing ability seemed more impressive once you found out how old they were.

This year, they made the age requirement lower--meaning that 15 year olds could now audition. I remember during auditions being struck by how many good singers there were who were young. It seems to be the year of the young people.

These kids have basically been watching American Idol their entire lives--at least most of what they can remember in life. Some of them have been planning on this moment since they were 6. They have remarkable stage presence. And they are good--and not just good for their age, but good. Our three teenagers are also three of the frontrunners.

And what about the rest of the group? The "old" ones? All but two range from 20-22. The other two are 26. We have a year of young people. Young people who are are just plain good.

Here are Scotty (17), Lauren (16), and Thia (16)



Friday, March 11, 2011

Results Show

Dear Top 13,

Results night seemed to go rather quickly. The group number...okay, group number is often painful and quite amusing--especially in the beginning--because people aren't good at mouthing it. On the up side, I do enjoy listening to the voices together to kind of get my head straight about who really is good and who really isn't. And, I must say, Stefano sounded off key even when recorded, so either my ears are prejudice against him, or he is so off they can't manually tweak the pitch.

Then we have Diddy Dirty Money--is that your name now? Okay, I just did some quick "research." So last night I was kind of just shaking my head in amazement because in a world where bloggers are afraid to switch from "blogger" to "wordpress" (or vice versa) because they could lose a following, you (Sean Combs) have been known as so many names I can't keep them straight. Puff Daddy. Sean Puffy Combs. P. Diddy. Diddy. Puff. Puffy. You have so many names that if someone is referring to an artist and acting like I should know who it is and there is a "P" or a "D" in the name, I just default to you and nod like I know what is going on.

Side bar, off my side bar, did you know that "P. Diddy" went to "Diddy" because "the P. was getting between him and his fans"? I am so glad he did that because I have felt immensely closer to him ever since that annoying P. was dropped. Maybe I should drop something to get closer to people....maybe the "V"--I could go by alerie instead. That would help with children. V is a hard one for kids.

Anyway, (must note sarcasm was heavily used in above paragraph), another side bar, did you know that, um, Sean Combs was born in 1969? He is a lot older than I realized.

So, back to not the point of this post, but apparently Dirty Money is the name of a group you are currently apart of. I was thinking it was just some other name change. That's what I get for not watching "entertainment" shows at all. I sit in ignorance. Now I am glad we have that all cleared up, because one more name change would have been excessive, you know?

Back to the show.

Our bottom three end up being:

Karen, Ashthon, and Haley:

 If you remember my bottom three (which was really a bottom four), Ashton and Karen were in it, with Ashthon being my lowest.

Haley was in the middle of the pack for me. Initially, I was kind of surprised she was in the bottom, and I actually still am over Stefano, however, she probably doesn't have a solid fanbase yet since she is singing such different stuff every week. Last night, she spoke some words that lead me to believe she will be gone soon. I don't know exactly, but something about "I like to mix it up" or "I like to sing different things"--something along those lines.

Not good. Okay to sing songs from different genres if you tweak them to fit your genre, but not okay to never pick a genre. Most people have a style of music they like, and if you can't be classified, you won't last no matter how good you are in this competition. Look at Matt Giraurd. So, if Haley doesn't "pick a lane" as the judges said last night, she will be gone soon--especially with so many people who obviously fit in a genre this season.

In the end, we say good-bye to Ashthon, which I don't think was a surprise for even her.

Without seeing performances, I am thinking Karen is soon, Haley might be, and I hope Stefano is soon. We shall see what next week brings.

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