Wow! What an overall great night! The sad thing is that based only on last night, 7 of you more than deserve to make top 12, and if you pull in past performances, that number goes up. In other words, some great people are going to not make it.
That was not good. Really not good. I know you are better than that, but with all of the other talent and with the small amount of face time you got before last night, I am pretty confident you will go home tonight.
Really good performance. I don't think there is anything negative that can be said about it, so great job!
I liked it and I really like you.
Here is the thing. You sing well, but there is something missing for me. I think in the shadows of the really stand-out performances last night, you will have been lost.
My husband thought it was funny that they quoted you as saying this competition needed...something about Latin flair or something like that, and then you sang the slow, American ballad. You did throw Spanish in there...but I think it would have been fun to see the Latin flavor you want to show. Overall, good performance, but not a stand-out among the many great performances, so it will probably depend on how solid the Latin vote was behind you.
Lauren T
I love your rich voice.
You are a great singer. I didn't like the song.
Oh, Julie. You had one of the worst performances of the night. I really like you. I don't know how many votes will be based on last night vs. past experience. For your sake, I hope past experience plays a role.
You sounded good, which is a compliment since you sang Alicia Keys. My problem with the performance was that it was so theatrical. It seemed so forced and fake--not you.
Lauren A
So, who do I think will be the top 6?
Lauren A., Pia, Kendra
I think Thia has a great chance at that, too.
I would also say Naima and Haley.
Bottom Two:
Ta-Tynisa and Rachel. I don't think either of you have a shot.
Three that were "eh" for me
Karen, Ashthon, and Julie--however, I would not be shocked to see any of those three in the top 6.
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