Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dear Randy: Stop Booing!

Dear Randy,

I don't know what your deal is. You have done this for as long as I can remember and it is quite annoying. You need to stop booing Simon every time he is introduced.

Okay, I get it. You are jealous of how popular he is. His applause is louder than yours. Contestants say over and over that they respect his opinion while seeming to forget you are even at the table.

But it is just sad to watch you week after week boo him when he is introduced. You are literally the only person in the room booing him. You aren't increasing your popularity, nor are you decreasing his. Just stop. I think the only think I like about the "corny" way the judges are introduced on performance night is that I only have to listen to you boo one night a week instead of two.


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