Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear Ryan: Ooops

Dear Ryan,

It has been kind of a rough week for you, hasn't it? Okay, first of all, the whole incident of trying to look tough and getting up in Simon's't do that again. Stick to the nice guy routine. That was weird.

But we are all entitled to dumb moments. That was a dumb moment for you. Let's move on.

Today I heard that you Tweeted that Lacey was eliminated right after the East coast show...ooops. I mean, big oops. Don't you know how much people hate being spoiled about this stuff? In chat groups, you can't even post a thread with a title that even remotely hints toward what happens without being raked over the coals. And you, the host, Tweet it to several million people? Ooops.

Now here is the thing. You need to apologize for it. People are willing to forgive mistakes if you ask them to. We all know it was dumb on your part. You must know that. Apologize. People will forgive you and move on. If you continue to pretend it never happened, then you will just continue to stir up anger. Just some friendly advice.


1 comment:

serra said...

Dear Valerie (Blog Queen),

I just got really sad as I visited this blog again and realized my feed to google has been unfaithful to me. Does it not know without receiving your american idol opinions I am nothing in the idol world? I will get it working, no fear. But I clearly have some catching up to do...

Your new American Idol Fan,


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